We meet Sundays at the Langley Community Music School, located at 4899 207 Street in Langley, BC.
Ample parking is available in a parking lot adjacent to the school. The parking lot is shared with the Al Anderson outdoor public pool.
The facility is wheelchair accessible, and there are designated parking stalls directly in front of the school.
After you enter the front door into the foyer, turn right to enter Rose Gellert Hall where we hold our services. Rose Gellert Hall is an intimate 250 seat concert venue with wonderful acoustics.
There’s no dress code. Some of our parishioners express their reverence for God by dressing in their Sunday best while others, intending no irreverence, dress quite casually. Wear whatever you find comfortable.
If liturgical worship is new to you, don’t stress. Just sit, stand, or kneel when everyone else does. Any other gestures or responses are purely optional. Everything you need to know about the order of service will be projected on the screen. You will never be singled out or called on to do anything during the worship service.
The ushers will dismiss rows to come forward. All baptized Christians, including children, who repent of their sins and seek to live in love, charity, and peace with their neighbors are welcome to receive the bread, the cup, or both. We receive the bread in our hands and guide the cup to our mouths by holding the bottom rim. Alternatively, you may intinct (or dip, the bread in the cup.) Any who wish not to receive the Sacrament may come to the altar with arms crossed to receive a blessing. Gluten-free wafers are available upon request.
After the service, please join us for coffee, tea, and snacks. We’d love to meet you.
When you enter through the front doors you will see a cart of activity bags with toys, puzzles, and other fun things to keep your chilren's minds focused when they are in the service.
The back rows of the auditorium include extra wide aisles for younger children to explore their activity bags. Ascension does not have a supervised nursery at this time.
Part-way through the service children age 2+ are invited to the front of the church to meet their teachers. As a congregation we pray for them before dismissing them to their group. Parents are welcome to acccompany them. The children are brought back to the service to rejoin their parents for Communion. For more about our children's ministry see the children's page.