Is now the time?

We hope you have been settling in and finding Ascension to be your home for this season. Perhaps now is the time to get more involved. This can range from making yourself better known, to serving in a ministry. Below are some ways you can become a more integral part of Ascesnion.

Subscribe to our email newsletter

Our weekly Update will keep you informed about what Ascesnion is up to.  Go to the bottom of this page to subscribe. 

Join a Small Group

There are several small group gatherings that gather regularily. Some weekly, some bi-weekly, and some monthly. This can be a great way to connect and make new friends. Here is more information on our Small Groups page.

Become a member of Ascension

Anyone is welcome to attend Ascension's worship services and other groups. If you’re interested in learning about how we’re organized as a parish, and voting for new parish council members at our Annual General Meeting, you might consider becoming a member. Here’s the membership information, including the form and instructions for how to join.

Give to Ascension

If you’d like to give to Ascension— once or regularly — there’s a “give” button on menu bar above. If you’d like to mail a cheque, our mailing address is at the bottom of each page of the website. Feel free to pop a cheque or cash into the offering plate during a service.  Offering envelopes are available on the corner of the stage as you enter the auditorium. If you would like a personal batch of offering envelopes, please contact our treasurer Monika

Find a way to serve

Are you looking to serve at Ascension? Check out some options our “Ways We Serve" page.