"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others."
1 Peter 4:10

This page is a list of ways that we gather and serve at our church. This is the best place to find out how to get involved at Ascension!


Our worship services are liturgical and highly participatory. We sing, pray, read scripture, hear sermons, and receive communion, and then gather for refreshments. All of this requires an army of people willing to serve.

Musicians and singers

Musicians and singers help lead worship each Sunday. To inquire about helping contact Fr. Ken.

Readers, servers, intercessors, and acolytes

Our liturgical service is a manifestation of our community together: lay volunteers carry in the cross and candles, read the scriptures, lead the Prayers of the People, and help distribute Holy Communion. If you would like to help in any of these ways contact Deacon Rich.


Our ushers help bring us into worship on Sundays by greeting worshippers, assisting people in finding seats, collecting the offering and guiding people to the altar for Holy Communion. If you would like to help contact Ross

Altar guild

The altar guild consists of men and women who set-up the altar each Sunday and care for communion ware and linens between services. To ask about helping contact Deacon Rich.

Floral arrangments

Because we worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness, displays from nature are an imporant part of our worship, both on regular Sundays, but also on seasonal days like Thanksgiving, Easter, Advent, and Christmas. For more information contact Fr. Ken.

Set-up team

Until we have our own building we need help setting up each Sunday. This includes organizing the chairs in the auditorium and setting up tables and chairs in the foyer for the after-service refreshments. To ask about helping contact Tom.


Each week different members of the parish bring home-made or store-bought snacks for after the service. To be added to the rotation contact Monika.

Children's Ministry

Sunday School for children is scheduled during the 10:00 am worship service. We dismiss the children about 20 minutes into the service and welcome them back for Holy Communion. If you would like to be a teacher or helper contact Karen.

Prayer Ministry

Ascension has a number of ways that we care for our own community in through prayer. To get involved contact Shirley.

Sunday Prayer Teams

During Holy Communion we have a prayer team at the back of the auditorium available to pray with parishoners.

Email Intercessors

A group of intercessors are notified by email of prayer requests submitted by members of the church and others.

Intercessory Prayer Group

Once a month the Intercessory Prayer Group meets in person to pray for the church and parishoner's needs.