Restoring health, hope and dignity in JESUS’ name
The Anglican Relief and Development Fund Canada (ARDFC) is a Canadian global aid agency that works in close partnership with the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC).ARDFC together with the Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) comprise the global relief and development arm of our province, the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). In 2012, we welcomed ARDF-Australia (ARDFA) to the ARDF network.
ARDFC’s distinctives
At the Anglican Relief & Development Fund Canada (ARDFC), we believe that Christ’s command to love our neighbours as ourselves is integrally linked to His commission to go into all the world and make disciples.
When you support ARDFC projects, you can be confident that your gift will make a real and lasting difference in the lives of people in developing countries. You also have the assurance that ARDFC projects have been thoroughly researched and are carefully monitored to ensure objectives are being met. And you will know that your gift will help an Anglican diocese in the Global South meet often desperate needs in its communities.
When ARDFC takes on projects, it establishes direct partnerships with the Global South dioceses that will implement each of these life-changing missions.
Since ARDFC is a registered Canadian Charity, it can issue receipts for Canadian income tax purposes.
ARDFC projects
ARDFC projects are selected from those approved by global Anglican leaders. In order to be selected, projects must be:
- local ventures in the Global South with high impact results that provide permanent life changes
- well researched and provide measureable goals and results
- administered through the local Global South Anglican Diocese
You can check out the current ARDFC project on our website: www.ardfc.ca.